How Much Protein Should I Eat A Day To Lose Weight?
How Much Protein Should I Eat A Day To Lose Weight?
One of the best strategies to accelerate weight loss is eating the optimal amount of high quality protein while in a caloric deficit. The protein quantity variable is one of the first things to investigate prior to starting a fat loss program.
In the video above, I tackle the big question of how much protein should I eat in a day to lose weight. Along with that important question I share the top 3 reasons why you should be eating more protein on a weight loss plan, and exactly what type of protein should be consumed for maximum benefit. Start the video now to get all the important body transforming details.
Why Eat More Protein For Weight Loss?

how much protein should i eat a day to lose weight?
In the video above, I discuss three powerful reasons why you must increase protein to assist in our weight loss journey.
- Minimize metabolically active muscle loss while in a caloric deficit
- Increase the thermic effect of eating
- Keeps you full longer (great satiety)
Click start on the video above to get more details on each of the reasons why increasing protein while in a caloric deficit is so important.
What Type Of Protein Should I consume to Lose Weight?
- Animal protein (chicken, fish, turkey, beef, lamb, eggs)
- Vegan (legumes)
How much protein should I eat a day to lose weight isn't the only thing I get asked. The type of protein is also important.
In the video above I explain why animal protein is more effective and how you can still succeed on losing fat while eating a vegan or vegetarian diet. Click the start button above for a detailed explanation.
How Much Protein Should I Eat A Day To Lose Weight?
This is the biggest question! As I mention in the video above science body of evidence recommends 1.6 g- 2.2g/kg of body weight. This will translate into .7g - 1g/lb of body weight. When in a caloric deficit for weight loss strive to reach optimal protein levels.
Once again, for even more details, watch the video above now. It's 100% free and all you need to do is click the start button.
For custom, individual assistance with your weight loss or fitness program here is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. I encourage you to discover more about my Neuro Body Transformation Program! It will change your life forever.
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