7 Reasons Why You Struggle To Lose Weight After 40
Yes, People Struggle To Lose Weight After 40
It's a fact that once a person hits 40 plus weight loss can be a struggle. The inches don't seem to come off quite as quickly. As a matter of fact, most individuals gain weight each decade over 40. Therefore, in order to help, I'm listing the top 7 reasons why you struggle to lose weight after 40.
7 Reasons Why You Struggle To Lose Weight After 40
Here are the main reasons why weight loss is a struggle in the 40s and beyond (watch the video above for added details on each reason):
- People grossly underestimate the number of calories they really are eating. Portion size is also underestimated.
- Lack of consistency from all-or-nothing thinking. Eating and physical exercise consistency isn't exercised.
- Setting unrealistic goals and expectations.
- Attempt to out-exercise a bad diet in order to lose weight.
- Not eating enough protein throughout the day.
- Lack of sleep and too much stress.
- Hormonal changes as a result of aging.
These are the 7 main reasons why you struggle to lose weight after 40.
Watch the video above for more detailed information on how to succeed with weight loss over 40.
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